Saturday 22 June 2013

C4AC - Have you met Jenica?

Hi everyone, 

I thought it might be good to introduce the team of lovely ladies I'm collaborating with for C4AC (if you would like to know more about C4AC have a look here).  

The first post introducing Vicky from Very Vicky - DreamBig can be found here.

This is the second post introducing another of my team members...Jenica from The Pookie Patch - patchwork quilts and baby gifts.

All team members were asked the following questions:
1. Who are you? 
2. Tell us a bit about your business and what you sell
3. Why have you chosen to support PANDA as your charity for C4AC?

Here is Jenica's to answer these questions:

Who are you - I'm Jenica, a Can-Aussie mum of one toddler, known as Pookie. I split my time between Ontario, Canada and Queensland, Australia. I've been sewing since I was about 3 years old, but have only really gotten into it and loving it in the past few years. I love making clothes for my son and for his friends, but I fell in love with patchwork quilts last year when I made a rag quilt for him for Christmas. Most of my free time (what little I have!) is spent sewing. We are finally living in a house that has some extra room, so I have a sewing room for the first time - but prior to this I've had sewing spaces in the kitchen, garage, outdoors, on the floor, at a friend's place, in our bedroom and on my son's change table.

My business is "The Pookie Patch." I'm just starting up, with C4AC being my first big project. So far I've done patchwork quilts, but hope to expand into other patchwork items and baby gifts. My first patchwork quilts were primarily flannel, but more recent ones are quilting cotton. Sometime in August I'll be hosting a "pagewarming party" market night with the theme Pinwheels and Playtime, and I can't wait to have a great night with some of the businesses I've admired for a long time, and with a few friends who haven't quite ventured into facebook businesses yet.
All quilt tops that don't sell are donated to the Palmerston United Church Supply committee, where they are completed (if incomplete) and forwarded to areas where they are needed, such as women's shelters, drop in centers and Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (a group of orphanages in central America). The primary reason for starting up The Pookie Patch was to help fund some of the quilts I make to donate.
I wanted to support PANDA as depression affects more than just one person - it affects everyone surrounding them. In the case of PND, it has a huge effect on not only the mum (or dad), but her baby as well. It's an area that is often misunderstood and that needs a lot more support. I suffered from PND after the birth of my son, and if it weren't for the support I received I know that both he and I would have suffered a great deal more.


Nice to meet you Jenica :)

Keep an eye out for the next C4AC post...I'll be introducing you to another team member!

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