Tuesday 31 March 2015

Introducing T to Passover...

Hi everyone,

Passover has snuck up on me!  I can't believe it is THIS Friday - this year is flying by.

Seeing as our Chanukah activities went so well last year, I have decided to quickly throw together some activities from around the internet to help T to learn a little bit about this Jewish holiday too.

Our families passover activities involve a dinner or Seder, where we read from the Haggadah...it is generally very dry and the kiddies all get bored very quickly - never mind the adults ;P

So, to keep the boredom at bay for T, we will do a few things at home before we go to the dinner...
We will read this story of Passover and watch this short video:

Then we will make these finger puppets (created by Tori Avey) together and take them to dinner to play with at the table - they look like lots of fun!

I will also have some of this activity pack (pages - 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 15) and some pages from this plagues activity (pages - 2 and 4) made by Jewish home school blog, for T to do if he needs some more entertainment. We may not use them all, but at least I will have them for if we need something to keep him busy :)

I hope you find these resources helpful if you celebrate Passover too - maybe I have saved you some work!

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