Sunday, 8 December 2013

Schnitzel and Boo Mini Quilt Swap - My Mini Quilt arrived!

Hi everyone

A few weeks ago I received my mini quilt from the Schnitzel and Boo mini quilt swap!

schniztel & boo Mini Quilt Swap, round 1

The swap was hosted by Kristi over at Schnitzel and Boo and there were some AMAZING mini Quilts created by all those involved so head over the the flickr group or on Instagram (the tags used were #schnitzelandboominiquiltswap and  #makeaquiltmakeafriend) to have a look.

Andrea was my lovely partner and she made me the most awesome mini quilt ever!

Isn't it great?!

I had people coming over for dinner that night I received the mini quilt, so I used the quilt as a centrepiece on the table :)

Andrea was incredibly generous, she didn't just send me a mini quilt, she sent me a nice BIG parcel...

It included, a handmade coffee cuff/cosy

a quilters notebook

and some fabric

Thank you so much Andrea! 
It is awesome and you were very generous :)
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1 comment:

  1. Quilt swaps like Schnitzel and Boo Mini Quilt Swap is a fantastic way that crafters share their creativity, connecting each other through these activities. Quilts will be so special because of all the effort and detail put into them. On another side if one is working on criminal law dissertation topics, then some areas could be: cybercrime regulations, rehabilitation in criminal justice how effective it becomes, forensic evidence and the court decision.
