Tuesday, 2 October 2012

New world of Blogging...

I'm very new to this world of blogging :)

I would like to know what you think my 1st blog post should be about?

1. Do you want to know a bit more about me? 
2. Do you want a peek at what I'm working on right now?
3. Do you want to take a guided tour of my creative space?
4. Would you like to see a few of my favourite handmade items that I have made for my son AKA "Little Monster"?
5. Would you like me to tell you about some of my other favourite handmade shops/blogs?
6. Do you what me to tell you some helpful tips and tricks of the trade?

Please leave a comment below about what you would like me to start with...I'm sure eventually all topics listed above will be covered :)

Also if you have any questions for me, I'm happy to answer them in a form of blog post or via email.

Thanks for visiting and reading this blog!


1 comment:

  1. Through blogging people access creative expression and self-knowledge although they face various stressful challenges. One should evaluate different techniques for compare strategies for managing stress in self and others within themselves and their community which consist of establishing defined targets alongside maintaining personal and professional harmony together with mindfulness training. When bloggers work together and support each other they create a positive stress reduction environment while freely helping their colleagues.
